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Monday, January 15, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: juneauchamberjuneauchamber

Time:   6:30 pm

Place:  Juneau American Legion Post #15, 162 E Oak St, Juneau WI 53039

Board Members present:  Sasa Seremet, Lauren Medelberg, Diane Ronge, Gretchen Last, Char Lober, Jessica Johnson


Board Members absent:  Brett Bolman, Sue Piper, Jason Davis


Also present: Janet Ludeman, Dan & Phyllis Wegener, Matt Lober, Stan Smith, Ray Abitz, Mary Webster-Abitz, Alyssa Gahlman, Cristina Seremet, Curt & Cathy Firari, Dave & Elieen Gratton, Nayeli Gonzalez-Garcia, Joe Sciascia


Item # 1: The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Item # 2:  Introduction of new members/visitors:  There were no new members or visitors.


Item # 3 Approval of Agenda: Motion by Lauren Medelberg, second by Joe Sciascia to approve the January 15, 2024 agenda. Motion carried.


Item # 4 Secretary’s Report:  Motion by Gretchen Last, second by Lauren Medelberg to approve the December 18, 2023 minutes.  Motion carried.


Item # 5 Treasurers Report:  Dan Wegener asked if there were any outstanding bills.  Gretchen stated that the only one was for the downtown trees.  She received an incorrect address and the check came back.  She did obtain a correct address and the check was mailed out.  It should be noted that the invoice was for $50 less that what was originally quoted.  Motion by Diane Ronge, second by Joe Sciascia to approve the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.


Sasa Seremet stated that due to all the snowfall we recently had he is unable to take the downtown trees down.  It was brought up that the Christmas decorations for downtown should go up the week after Thanksgiving and come down by January 31st of each year.


Item # 6 Chamber 2024 Officer Elections:  Paper ballots were given to members to vote.  Motion by Dan Wegener, second by Ray Abitz to appoint the following officers for the 2024 Juneau Chamber of Commerce positions.  Motion carried.


            President - Sasa Seremet

            Vice President – Lauren Medelberg

            Secretary – Cathy Firari

            Treasurer – Gretchen Last

            Board of Directors (1 Year) – Janet Ludeman

            Board of Director (3 Year) – Brett Boman

            Board of Director (3 Year) – Alyssa Gahlman



Item # 7 Committee Reports

a.      Website: Lauren stated that the website is up and running and would like for people to put what events they have coming up on the Juneau Chamber Event page on the website.  She can also be contacted and will put the event for that organization on the website as well.


b.      Facebook:  There was no report.


c.       Welcoming Committee: There have been no contacts.


d.      Membership Update: Gretchen reported that for 2023 there were a total of 70 chamber members.  As of the January 15, 2024 meeting, she has received 20 renewals.  Gretchen would like the chambers thoughts on what to use for the 2024 membership certificates that will be sent out.  This will be placed on the February’s agenda for discussion.  Cristina stated that the membership directory should be updated and that Gretchen should send the membership list to Lauren for updating as she emails the members the agenda and minutes.


e.      Fundraising/Events: No report.


f.        Softball Update: Cristina reported that the softball banquet will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2024.  It will start at the 1850’s, then go to the Simple Bar and end at Juneau Lanes.  Cristina is asked for $600 from the Chamber softball account to purchase plaques for 1st and 2nd place teams.  Motion by dan Wegener, second by Diane Ronge to take out $600 from the softball account for the purpose of purchasing plaques for the softball league from spring & fall 2023.  Motion carried.


g.      Business Networking: No report.


h.      Parade of Trees: No report.


Item # 8: Old Business

a.      Archie Monument Chamber Storage Space:  Dave Gratton approached the City of Juneau Finance Committee to see if the chamber would be able use the vacant garage space located at the Juneau City Hall and to move all the chamber items from Archie Monument to city hall as the property has been sold and the chamber must have everything out by March 1, 2024.  The Finance Committee approve charging the Juneau Chamber $40 per month for one year.  A contract was developed for the Chamber and City to sign. Approximate space is 10’ x 20’.  Dave Gratton stated that he does not have any storage space at Gratton’s Garages otherwise he would have the chamber store everything there.  Dave stated that the city has informed him that he would be the liaison for the chamber and if anyone needed anything they must contact Dave to gain access into the storage space. Motion by Joe Sciascia, second by Gretchen Last to pay the City of Juneau $40 per month for the storage area at the Juneau City Hall located at 420 Jewel Street in the City of Juneau, Dodge County Wisconsin effect February 1, 2024.  Motion carried.

It was discussed that the chamber would move everything from Archie Monument into the city hall garage area on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 11:00 am.



b.      Dan Wegener stated that the City of Juneau will begin construction on E Oak Street this coming spring 2024.  Construction will begin from Depot Street and go up to Fair Street.  Traffic will be able to get through on Fair Street during this construction.  He stated that the Electric Superintendent for the Juneau Utilities has been advised to begin to look in to decorative lighting for the downtown business district.  Dan Wegener, who is also the Mayor for the City of Juneau stated that it would be nice if the Juneau Chamber could possibly help pay for some of these light fixtures when the 2025 downtown construction will begin as this will cover Fair Street up to Main Street.

Item # 9:  New Business

a.      Start Savings Account for Parade of Trees:  Cathy Firari stated that a savings account should be started for the Parade of Trees for the purpose of purchasing new trees or other items in the future.  There is a starting balance of $644.89.  Motion by Cristina Seremet, second by Lauren Medelburg to start a savings account for the Parade of Trees and that Cathy Firari and Gretchen Last should go to Landmark Credit Union to start the savings account and will be the two people on the account.  Motion carried.


b.      Choose Insurance: Gretchen Last present to the chamber two quotes for insurance as American Family Insurance will no long insure the chamber being it is a non-profit organization.  Richards Insurance gave a quote of $675 for the year (this quote will insurance general and cyber insurance.) State Farm was $435.00 and includes general and cyber insurance.  Motion by Cristina Seremet, second by Joe Sciascia to approve purchasing insurance for the Juneau Chamber of Commerce through State Farm Insurance (Gina Oemig Agency) out of Beaver Dam in the amount of $435.00 for the 2024 year.  Motion carried.  Gretchen was authorized to write a check to State Farm and mail it out.

Item #10: Next Meeting:  The next Juneau Chamber of Commerce meeting will be held on Monday, February 19, 2024 at 6 pm at Juneau Lanes, 150 E Oak Street, Juneau WI.

Item # 11:  Adjourn:  Motion by Ray Abitz, second by Joe Sciascia to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm.  Motion carried.

Minutes by:

Cathy Firari, Juneau Secretary

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