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November 20th 2023 Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: juneauchamberjuneauchamber



Monday, Novermber 20, 2023

Welcome and Call to Order – 6pm

Board members present: Gretchen Last, Brett Bolman, Sue Piper, Jessica Johnson,

Diane Ronge, Char Lober, Lauren Medelberg, Sasa Seremet.

Other members present: Cathy Firari, Cristina Seremet, Alyssa Gahlman

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Approval of Agenda: Lauren made a motion to approve, Diane second. Approved.

Secretary Report and Treasurer’s reports were approved as presented.

Committee Reports:

Lauren showed the new look of our web page.

Cristina reported that there has been an increase in activity on our


Gretchen reported that we do have items for Welcoming bags, but

Are in need of bags to put the items in. They will do a search for

Something to put them in.

Gretchen reported that we have two new memberships for 2024.

Diane suggested that we use the new Brand Logo and the year they

Join the Chamber. Jessica suggested that we use a new engraved

Logo and just add the year every year to hang at the business. Possibly

Charge a member if they want a different certificate.

There will be a discussion at the next meeting regarding membership fees.

Sasa will work with Lauren and Jessica to work on this topic.

Cristina reported that the Softball season is over and will be wrapping up the information. The lack of people to help at the events was a real problem. We will need to have a sign-up sheet to improve this for any Future events.

Cristina reported that the sales for the Softball event was double from

Last year. There will be a banquet in February for the players and sponsors.

They will discuss a summer league to run till the fall.

Networking: Lauren is looking for ideas on what we can do to bring people into the Community. Jessica suggested focusing on the website. Cristine

Suggested that we have one Business at our monthly meeting to showcase

Their business. This could be whoever has an ad on our website they get

10 minutes to do their presentation.

Parade of Trees: Cathy has the FFA to set up the trees and they will also

Serve the desserts on Sunday 1 to 3 pm. St.Johns wil have a choir and

Keyboard presenters. There are 27 trees and six new sponsors. There

Were3 or 4 trees that needed to be discarded. We will need to have

These replaced. Send her an email if you have gift baskets to be raffled

By November 30th.

Downtown Trees: Sasa reported that 8 trees will be delivered next week.

Five are spoken for. Cost is $300 per tree.

Cathy said she will be doing an inventory of all they item the Chamber

Has at Archie Monuments.

Old Business: Will need better accounting for income and expenses that

Are done for any fundraising events.

New Business:

Paying Website master: Sasa suggested a monthly fee, Lauren would like to wait until she finishes the website to determine what she would need.

Gretchen made a motion to discuss further an hourly rate for this position. Motion approved.

Annual Meeting: Meeting will be held January 15th at 5 pm at the American Legion Post 15, Juneau. Gretchen will get out this information to the Members.

Election Committee: Committee will be Gretchen, Brett, Char and Cathy.

We are in need of two Directors and two Board Members.



Lauren made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Diane second, approved.

Submitted by

Sue Piper


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